How to perform Umrah and ways to use Sioufi Muhasan Oud in praying

Performing Umrah is a famous journey of Islam that attracts thousands of people every year to Muslim’s most sacred place. This is the opportunity to clean your soul in front of God and pray for forgiveness. During this occasion, using Sioufi Muhasan Oud will show your devotion and elevate the tranquility of the atmosphere.

What is Umrah and the meanings of performing Umrah 

About Umrah, this is the biggest journey to the holy Kaaba in Makkah - Muslim’s most sacred place to pray for the best and clean one’ soul. Umrah is a voluntary spiritual journey that everyone can join. Not only Muslim, every ethnic group or color can join the journey to show their worship to Allah. 
Umrah is a meaningful spiritual journey for every person who joins this. All of you are the guests of Allah. When you visit his home - Kaaba on his call, Allah will grant you what you ask for. Therefore, this is the best chance for praying for forgiveness from him.

What is performing Umrah
What is performing Umrah

The origin of Umrah 

The history of performing Umrah dates back to more than thousand years ago since Prophet Muhammed performed Umrah for the first time. Umrah is an Islamic pilgrimage to Makkah - the holiest city for Muslim. Through Prophet Muhammad’s era, the followers of Islam wanted the right to access Makkah for performing Umrah
After many negotiations, the first pilgrimage of Umrah finally happened and became a tradition over years. The victory of Prophet Muhammad and his followers was the beginning of performing Umrah. Therefore, during this journey, showing your dedication and devotion is a need.

Meanings of performing Umrah

  • A spiritual journey of Muslim: Performing Umrah is a spiritual journey as it is the chance for you to enter the house of Allah and be connected with him. You can save your sin and join with thousands of believers - the best ways of making prayers directly to Allah.
  • Clean your sins and restart: As you take part in performing Allah, you can sense the blessing of Allah and ask for forgiveness. You will feel calm and relaxed while on this religious journey and strengthen your inner soul. Throughout this journey, you can refresh yourself and restart with a better body and soul.
  • Show love to Allah: Performing Umrah is a long way to reach the house of Allah - the almighty god of Islam. If you show your dedication to him, that means showing your love to Allah and you will receive the most generous blessing from him.
Meaning of performing Umrah
Meaning of performing Umrah

Four essential practices of Umrah

  • Ihram: Ihram is the essential practice of Umrah, you need to pass this practice to continue your journey. Take care of your hygiene by clipping your nails and removing the air under your armpits. You should do Ghusl to emphasis Sunnah to enter into the state of Ihram.
  • Tawal al - Umrah: In this practice, two Rakahs of Salah before entering into the state of Ihram. This practice will not have to be performed during Umrah journey, you can do this after getting changed at the airport before crossing the Miqat. If you are not in the spiritual state of Islam, you can observe with the head covered and do not forget to make Dua after this.
  • Sa’i: At this practice, you need to walk seven times between the hills of SAFA and MARWAH in worship for nearly 450 meters long. Remember to cover your shoulders when performing Sa’i.
  • Halq or Taqsir: The last practice of performing Umrah is shaving or clipping the hair in Mina. While men should get their hair shaved or clipped, women are forbidden to shave their heads and only allowed to have a lock or strand of their hair clipped. This practice is a symbol of completing subjection to Allah.

Sioufi Muhasan Oud - Used to pray and ward off evil spirits

Sioufi Muhasan Oud is a special type of agarwood as it is not 100% natural. This agarwood is actually artificially formed by people from the Aquilaria tree. This is different from other agarwood as the others are extracted naturally from the agarwood tree by natural factors such as storms. This special agarwood has the same woody scent as normal but with a high density of oil - suitable for making incense or perfume.

Sioufi Muhasan Oud
Sioufi Muhasan Oud

Benefits of Sioufi Muhasan Oud

  • Praying on special occasions: The first benefit of Sioufi Muhasan Oud is the spiritual purpose in important festivals. This special agarwood has a tranquil and strong scent that could make incense - an important part of sacred praying ceremonies in Islam such as Umrah or Ramadan.
  • Relieve your soul with Sioufi Muhasan Oud: Burning this agarwood incense can spread the healing scent through the air and give you the sense of relaxation and comfort. You can leave the essential oil in your bedroom to relieve your soul and enhance your sleeping quality.
  • Making a lucky gift: Sioufi Muhasan Oud can be used as a lucky gift of its believed power. Most people purchase this special agarwood as a housewarming gift with the meaning of bringing luck to the homeowners.
  • Bring luck and spread away dark spirit: Another benefit of this oud is the power to bring luck to its owner and the surrounding area. Sioufi Muhasan Oud can dispel any negative energy and give you a peaceful and healthy area to live and relax.

Vietnam Agarwood - a provider of Sioufi Muhasan Oud

Vietnamese Agarwood is an agarwood company in Vietnam with years of experience in selling oud and agarwood products. We also want to provide the best agarwood product such as Sioufi Muhasan Oud for many customers such as Muslim in their important ceremonies.
International standard making process for each type of agarwood in the factory. 

  • Our products are various and have a long-lasting and unique scent that lasts for ages.
  • Reasonable price for agarwood items and natural agarwood such as Sioufi Muhasan Oud.
  • Quick delivery time in both domestic and international to remain the quality of agarwood. 
  • We understand the traditional religion and ways to use agarwood in special ceremonies to offer you the best products.


Performing Umrah is an important journey of any Muslim or other participant. By doing all the practices, you will know how to perform Umrah and pray for forgiveness of Allah. Sioufi Muhasan Oud is an essential type of agarwood that is suitable for these occasions. If you want to purchase this agarwood, contact Vietnam Agarwood through these information:

  • Address: 637 Highway 20, TT. Tan Phu, Tan Phu, Dong Nai 76000
  • CEO: +84 866 033 099 Mr.Andy (English)
  • Sale Manager: +84 393 982 390 Ms. Latifa (Arabic, English)
  • Director: +84 336 069 890 Mr. Steven (Chinese, English)
  • Email:

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